Audio review Tin Hifi T2 Plus Review: A good twist Some of you going into this review would have known about the Tin Hifi T2 (formally called as the Tin Audio T2) that "blows the world" for its ability to
Audio review ThieAudio Legacy 3 Review: Potentials Linsoul hardcore buyers probably wouldn't need any introduction about ThieAudio at this point. They are sub-brand of Linsoul themselves, catering their tuning works based on popular high-end IEM entry (Like
qdc music Anole VX Note: IEM with switches are presented using bits. * 000 = 3 switches off * 100 = Bass switch on * etc..
Audio impression Tin Hifi T2+ First impression Some of you going into this review would have known about the Tin Hifi T2 (formally called as the Tin Audio T2) that "blows the world" for its ability to